Send SMS From WordPress site with Gatewayapi


How to send sms from wordpress using gatewayapi?

SMS marketing has become very effective way to reach out to customers. If you want to send bulk messages to your customers then you should go for SMS Marketing.

Gateway API allows you to send Bulk SMS from your WordPress site. This is a simple step-by-step guide to get started.

About GatewayAPI

GatewayAPI Plugin is an SMS API service provider. You can connect your existing WordPress site to GatewayAPI in minutes using our simple plugin. No coding required. Just install and activate the plugin. Then log in to your GatewayAPI account and follow the instructions. Easy!

What users said about WP SMS Plugin

We’re not just talking about a gateway here. We built a platform that allows you to create any kind of payment solution you like. You can integrate it with Stripe, Braintree, PayPal, etc. If you prefer another gateway, we’ll add it in no time. And we’re always listening to feedback from our customers. So don’t hesitate to tell us what you think.

Twilio is an API platform that allows developers to send text messages, voice calls, and other communications through the web. It provides a simple interface for creating and managing phone numbers, sending and receiving texts, making and receiving calls, and monitoring usage. There are two main ways to access Twilio’ s services: via REST APIs or via a WebSocket connection.

I’ve had a lot of trouble trying to get other SMS services working with my site. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I think Otoraby is the best option out there. It’s very easy to setup and configures, and you can even integrate it with your own API if you need to. You can also send text messages through Twilio, which is pretty cool.

This plugin is great! It does exactly what it says it will do. Simple to set up and understand. Easy to customize. Very responsive support team. I highly recommend this plugin.

Send Messages Easily via Our WordPress SMS Plugin

Our WordPress plugin is a great addition to any website. You can easily create targeted groups, prepare messages, broadcast them and receive replies. It is also very easy to integrate with other plugins like Contact Form 7. If you want to start communicating with your members via SMS, this plugin will help you out.

GatewayAPI is a free service provided by Synapse Labs to help you manage your API keys. There is also an SMS two factor authentication module included in the Plugin, which adds an extra level of security to your WordPress site. You can create a GatewayAPI account here.

Communicate effectively with your audiences

SMS messaging is an effective method of communication because it allows users to send short text messages to other mobile phone users. Most mobile phones allow users to receive SMS messages via push notifications. Users can also reply to SMS messages using the same method. There are many different types of SMS messages including: Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS).

You can send your customers special deals through SMS messages. You can create different groups of users and send them different offers. For example, if you sell products at a discount, you could offer a coupon code to customers who bought something within the last week. Or you could send out a message to all your customers when someone buys something from your store. You can even automate sending out SMS messages to your customers.

Ease of use

SMS Gateway is easy to install and configure. You just need to enter your phone number and choose whether you want to receive text messages or not. We’ve made sure that it works well even if you’re behind a firewall. If you’re interested in sending out SMS messages, we recommend our free SMS service.

The best bit – it’s FREE

We’re happy to announce that we’ve added an option to pay using Bitcoin. You can now buy credits using the cryptocurrency of your choice. We’ll keep adding options like this in the future, so stay tuned!

Our plugin is built to behave as an excellent digital citizen, building upon WordPress’ custom post type system and exposing filters and actions to make it very programmer-friendly. This means you can easily write your own custom functions and filter hooks to add extra functionality to your site. You can also use our API to create your own plugins that will interact with your website and its users.

What exactly does the plugin enable me to do?

You can create lists of contacts, add them to your contact list and then send an SMS message to all those contacts at once. You can also add multiple phone numbers to your contact list and send an SMS message to each number individually.

Send an SMS using any phone number, including international numbers! You can specify a sender text – you can even add your own logo to the text. Use tags – this way you can personalize the texts, e. g. replacing %NAME% with the actual names of recipients. You can also store a list of sent SMSs. Track the delivery status of each message. All of the above works and is ready to go for you!.

What’s next?

We’re currently working on adding our own custom fields to the recipient list. You will be able to add any field you wish to the recipient list. For example, you could add a “Title” field to the recipient list, and then display the title when sending out an email. Or you could add a ‘custom_field’ to the recipient list, which would allow you to create a shortcode or widget to insert the value of that field into the body of the email.

We provide you with an easy import tool for your subscriber list. You can also export your subscriber list to various formats like Excel, CSV, Google Doc, etc. We also offer two-factor authentication for your WordPress account, making it harder for hackers to get access to your site.

How do I get started?

If you’re looking for a quick start guide, head over to our website You’ll need to sign up for a free account and then follow the instructions on the site to install the plugin. Once installed, you’ll see the Gateway API button in the left sidebar. Clicking on it will bring up a list of all the APIs we offer. If you click “Add New”, you’ll be taken to a page where you can add any API you’d like to use.

Go to Settings › OAuth Keys and click on Add New Key. You will see an example of how to generate a key pair. Copy the generated keys and paste them into the corresponding fields in the Gateway API settings page. Go back to the SMSes menu and select Send Text Message. Enter the message and press Send.

Did it work? Can we make it better?

We love hearing your feedback, and we hope you enjoy our plugin! If you have any suggestions for improvements or bugs to report, please let us know. We’d also appreciate it if you could rate our plugin on

Global SMS Gateway

Gateway API offers some of the lowest rates in the majority of the globe combined with an intuitive interface and world class customer service. You can sign up for a free account within seconds here: Go to Gateway API or contact sales@gatewa…

We offer a free service called “SMS Marketing”. You can send text messages to your customers and prospects using our platform. If you need any assistance, we are happy to provide guidance.

How to get started

All you will need is: A gatewayapi account that you can create here. Then integrate the plugin with gatewayapi using your api key, which you can found in the gatewayapi dashboard. The gatewayapi plugin and gatewayapi account are free to set-up and have no hidden fees. You thus only pay per SMS sent via gatewayapi.

Main features of the WordPress SMS plugin

SMS messaging is a great way to communicate with your customers. You can send them text messages, emails, or both at once. You can also add custom data to recipients to help you perform mail mergers. You can import recipient lists from CSV/excel files. You can manage target groups. You can broadcast messages to multiple recipients at once. You can easily create short codes for signups, unsubscribes, edits, etc. You can automatically integrate with Contact Form 7. You can even use two-factor authentication!

Security! You pick roles to enable two factor authentication. You re-authorise at each logon or remember devices for up 30 days. You get SMS messages. You view incoming messages. You auto-reply to incoming SMS Messages. You get notified about important events.

Create your own custom notifications. You can choose which events you want to get notified about. For example, if you want to get notified when someone creates a post, then create a notification rule like “When a new post is created”. When you create a notification rule, you can also select whether you want to be notified via text message, email or both.

Pay only for the SMS traffic you send

We’re not charging any setup fees or subscription fees. Our pricing is very simple – you only pay for the messages you send. You can view our pricing page to see our SMS rates for over 200 countries. We also offer an easy-to-use dashboard, world class customer service and a 99.99% uptime on average.

Do you have a suggestion for a new integration? If your preferred platform isn’t listed here, please let us know! We’re always looking for ways to integrate new systems.

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