How to Send SMS smsgatewaycenter With WordPress

How to send smsgatewaycenter message from WordPress

SMS Gateway Center is a leading provider of mobile messaging services, offering affordable rates and reliable service to over 200 countries worldwide. The company has a wide range of services that include text messaging, voice messaging, multimedia messaging, data messaging, and value-added services such as call forwarding, caller ID, voicemail, etc.

You can create messages using the SMSService plugin or the SMS API. This article shows you how to integrate the SMS Gateway Center into WordPress.

About SMS Gateway Center

WordPress SMS Gateway Center is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to send SMS via the WordPress dashboard. You can also manage your SMS campaigns using the built-in tools. This plugin works well with any WordPress theme and doesn’t require any coding knowledge. It comes with a free plan that lets you send unlimited SMS messages per month. If you need more features, you can upgrade to premium plans at affordable prices.

What users said about WP SMS Plugin

We’ve made it easy for you to get started. You can choose from a range of gateways including Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, Payoneer, Recurly,, Xero, and many others. If you already have a gateway set up, we’ll automatically import your existing customers. And if you’re using another payment processor, you can add them manually.

Twilio is an API platform that allows developers to create communications apps. It provides APIs for sending text messages, making calls, receiving voicemails, and managing phone numbers. Twilio also offers developer tools for creating webhooks, monitoring usage, and testing out different features.I’ve had a lot of experience using SMS messaging apps on iOS and Android. I’m a huge fan of Twilio and their API. Their pricing is very reasonable and you get a ton of features for your money. If you’re looking for an easy to setup solution, then Otoraby is definitely worth checking out.

The SMS API is a RESTful API that uses JSON to communicate between your website and the SMS Gateway Center. You can use this API in two ways: directly through your site’s URL or by installing the SMS API plugin.

Create a new account with SMS Gateway Center

Once you’ve created an account with SMS Gateway Center, you can start adding clients. Clients are the people who will receive the SMS messages sent from your site. To add a client, click Add Client.

Create a New Account

Enter the name of the client (for example, “John Smith”) and select the country where they live. Then enter the number of phones they want to receive messages from your site. Finally, enter the email address where you’d like to be notified when the message was delivered.

Add a Client

Choose the type of client you want to add. For example, you could add a business or individual client.

Enter the Name of the Client

Choose the Type of Client

Click Save Changes.

Send SMS Messages From Your Site

Now that you’ve configured your client, you can begin sending messages. Click Create Message.

Create a New Message

In this section, you can customize the message content and recipient information. The default values should work fine unless you know something special about your recipients.

Customize a Message

You can change the subject line, body text, and recipient list. You can also add attachments and images as needed.

Sending a Test Message

When you’re ready to test your configuration, click Send Test Message.

Test a Message

If everything worked correctly, you’ll see a confirmation page.

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