Is SMS Alert Plugin free

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wp sms pro alert

SMS Alert Plugin is a great way to get notified whenever someone sends you a text message. The application allows you to receive SMS alerts from your friends or family members. This is a very useful tool for parents who want to monitor their children’s activities.

SMS Alert Plugin is completely free and does not require registration. There are no hidden fees or charges. All you need to do is download the app and start using it.SMS Alert Plugin Free – Is It Free?

The SMS alert plugin is a free tool that lets you send text messages to your mobile phone via your computer. It has become very popular because it is completely free and does not require any additional software or hardware.

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How Does SMS Alert Plugin Work?

SMS Alert Plugin works by creating an account on the website of the company that developed the program. Once you create an account, you will be asked to enter some basic information about yourself. After entering this information, you will be able to access the main page of the application. Here, you will see a list of people with whom you can exchange messages. You can choose to add new contacts as well as remove them from your contact list.

You can also view the number of texts sent and received by each person. If you wish, you can even block certain numbers. When you click on a name, you will be taken to the profile of that individual. From here, you can read messages exchanged between you and the person. You can also write new ones if you like.

You can also set up rules for when you receive text messages. For example, you may want to receive every message from a particular number only once per day. In addition, you can specify how long you want to wait before receiving another message.

To send a message, simply select the recipient from your contact list and type away. You can either leave the message blank or fill it with whatever content you like.

Pros Of Using SMS Alert Plugin

If you are looking for a simple way to keep track of what your kids are doing while they are online, then SMS Alert Plugin is worth checking out. The application is completely free and does everything you need it to do.

It is easy to install and configure. Just follow the instructions provided by the developer and you should be good to go.

If you don’t want to pay extra money to receive text messages, then SMS Alert Plugin might just be the perfect solution for you.

Cons Of Using SMS Alert Plugin

As mentioned earlier, SMS Alert Plugin is completely free. However, you will still need to purchase credits to send messages to your friends’ phones.

These credits are used to determine whether or not you get charged for sending messages. This means that if you decide to stop using the service, you won’t be able to send any more messages until you buy more credits.

The developers of the app claim that their system is secure. However, we cannot vouch for this claim. We haven’t had time to test the security of the program ourselves.

Can I send a text message under my company’s name?

Yes, you can use the SMS Alert Plugin to send a text message under your company’s name. All you have to do is register your domain name. Then, you can easily change the settings so that all messages sent through the program appear to come from your business.

Do I Have To Be Online To Use SMS Alert Plugin?

No, you do not have to be online to use the SMS Alert Plugin. It is possible to use the application without being connected to the internet at all.

How Does SMS Alert Plugin Work?

SMS Alert Plugin uses a special technology called Push Notifications. These notifications allow you to send a text message directly to someone’s phone. They work much like email alerts.

When you sign up for SMS Alert Plugin, you will be given a unique code. With this code, you can send a text message to anyone who has signed up for the service.

What Are Some Alternatives To SMS Alert Plugin?

There are many other applications available that offer similar functionality as SMS Alert Plugin. One such alternative is TextPlus. This application allows you to send text messages directly to people’s cell phones.

Another option is iMessage. If you’re already using Apple products, then you can use iMessage to send text messages.


We think that the SMS Alert Plugin is an excellent tool for parents who want to monitor the activities of their children on social networks. It is very easy to set up and works well even when you aren’t connected to the Internet.

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