Send SMS notification using WordPress SMS Plugin, everytime you receive a new donation using the famous WP SMS For GiveWP.
Also, Send SMS to the donor phone number confirming receiving his generous donation.
Other SMS functions and options are included with this WordPress SMS addon

The WordPress SMS Pugin For GiveWP plugin will allow you to send SMS notifications to the admin phone number everytime there is a new donation using GiveWP Plugin.It also sends SMS to the donor as well.
– It integrates WP SMS for WordPress with GiveWP Plugin
GiveWP WP SMS Features-
- Send notifications to the admin by SMS as per new donation received.
- Send notifications to the donor by SMS when his donation is received.
- Customize the body messages
- Donation custom details shortcodes to customize the sms (%donation%, %donation_id%, %fullname%, %firstname%, %amount%, %donor_id%, %phone_number%, %receipt_id%, %total%, %payment_method%, %payment_id%, %receipt_link%, %receipt_url%, %date%, %mailing_address%, %company_name%, %site_url%, %username%, %user_email%, %sitename%, %admin_email%. .. )
- Add Mobile number custom field to the donation form.
- Set the mobile number field attribute, either required or not.
- Display the mobile number in the edit donation form.
- Opt-in Checkbox Label and Opt-in Checkbox Option.
- Leverage the excellent Twilio API via our WP Twilio Core plugin
WP Twilio Core Features
- Optionally shorten URLs using Bit.ly or Google URL Shortener API
- Basic logging capability to keep track of up to 100 entries
- Directly send a text message to any permissible number from the admin panel for testing
Pre-Purchase Checklist
Since Twilio API is a paid service, we suggest you make sure it will work for you before you purchase the plugin. Here’s how to do it:
- Sign up for Twilio’s Free Trial.
Yes you can! They give a few dollars worth of credit to all trial accounts, and you can use your credit to make sure it works in your country or target market. You can choose an SMS enabled Twilio number for a start. Be mindful of the fact that trial accounts have extra restrictions, for example, you may not have a local number available in your country for yourself (but you can send global SMS anyway), you will need to verify every number you send an SMS to beforehand and the message will be prefixed with a statement saying it’s a Twilio trial account. Of course, these restrictions will be lifted when you have a paid subscription and do not apply to the excellent dev tools you can use to send SMS or access message history for debugging or testing. - Install WP Twilio Core.
WP Twilio core is a simple plugin to add SMS capability to your WordPress website using the Twilio API. It’s available for free from WordPress.org. We have created this plugin so developers like us can extend it and integrate Twilio with a WordPress website of any niche/type. What it will allow you to do at this point is to send messages directly from your admin panel to any permissible (verified for trial accounts, remember?) number. The Event Espresso SMS Reminder plugin also depends on this plugin, so best to familiarise yourself with it before you make your purchase. - Read the Twilio SMS FAQs.
This is another important point, especially if the above steps aren’t working for you. If you are already sending messages to your verified mobile numbers but somehow not having them delivered to you, then you may find your answer on Twilio’s SMS FAQs. Make sure your target country/market and all their network providers are supported. They have pretty much made it clear who CANNOT receive a message. In India for instance, any number on the “National Do Not Call Registry” will not receive SMS via Twilio.
There are a couple of requirements in order to use the GiveWP extension:
- You must have a verified Twilio account (free trial or paid subscription).
- You must have the WP Twilio Core WordPress plugin (free) installed (1.2.0+).
- You must be using the GiveWP plugin.
- You must have created a Mobile Number question (text field) and made sure it appears on the registration forms.
- Make sure your target country/market and all their network providers are supported. They have pretty much made it clear who CANNOT receive a message. In India for instance, any number on the “National Do Not Call Registry” will not receive SMS via Twilio.
There are a couple of requirements in order to use the GiveWP extension:
- You must have a verified Twilio account (free trial or paid subscription).
- You must have the WP Twilio Core WordPress plugin (free) installed (1.2.0+).
- You must be using the GiveWP plugin.
- You must have created a Mobile Number question (text field) and made sure it appears on the registration forms.
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