Plivo SMS Gateway – Secure Messaging With Free SMS
Odeo Plivo SMS Gateway gives you the ease of sending SMS to any number in your database. You can create multiple messages and assign them different labels like urgent, promotional, birthday etc. The messages are also categorized as spam. This will help you in managing your database effectively and avoiding any sort of database related issues.

Plivo SMS Gateway – Secure Messaging With Free SMS
Send SMS from your cell phone to the Plivo gateway. You need not to install any application on the mobile. Just install the Odeo plugin and your business messages are already accessible to the subscribers. SMS report is kept separately for outgoing, received, undeliverable, sent and incoming messages.
In Plivo SMS gateway, you can configure multiple text messages and groups. Now you are allowed to group together. The subscribers of a particular group can receive all the messages from anyone belonging to that group. You are not restricted by the sending limit of each subscriber of a group.
The Plivo mobile platform is highly scalable and can accommodate a large number of mobile devices. The subscriber does not have to configure any special software for sending SMS to his/her number. The messages can be sent across various networks such as Bluetooth, WAP, MMS, and EDGE. All these services are maximized by the Plivo SMS gateway.
Plivo SMS gateway has advanced features such as Google map, web search, image zoom, etc. It can easily send the message from your mobile browser to the device. The Plivo mobile software is designed in such a manner that it allows you to monitor the SMS usage, location, number of people who are sending you SMS, etc. You can even make a note of such SMS received on the device.
In order to receive the messages, you need not to install any other applications on your mobile phone. The messages can be downloaded onto your phone for reading and you can store them for later use. There is no need for installing any third party application for viewing the messages. The Plivo SMS gateway is compatible with most of the popular SMS messaging applications such as iMoto, Mobiac, SMSC, China Mobile, Meire Mobile, Kompongi, Viber, Symbian and Tango.
Plivo’s SMS gateway offers you the facility of sending SMS from your computer to the mobile. The messages are converted into text before being sent. You can even block the non-priority numbers and let the SMS to go to the preferred mobile number.Sending SMS through the Plivo SMS gateway has become very easy now. There are many benefits for using such a service. The users can send unlimited messages and there is no fear of over-usage. The text message cost is very low and the mobile users can enjoy messaging anytime, anywhere.The Plivo SMS services have good amount of chargeback as well. Almost every network provider has a zero chargeback policy for messaging through the gateway. It also provides the facility to send the messages in different languages. There are a few other added value added services. The Plivo software allows the users to capture photos and videos and edit them in the mobile phone. The Plivo Gateway can also be used to track the usage of the phones by accessing the phone’s GPS feature.
The Plivo SMS software has become very advanced now. There are some advanced tools like the SMS to Email and the SMS to Phone. The Plivo software allows sending text messages from computer to a mobile number as if it were a cell phone number. These types of services can be used to send greetings, wishes, gifts, etc. It is also possible to send multiple SMS at a time. The Plivo gateway connects to a database that contains the history of the sent messages.These days almost every service provider offers some other facilities also. The Plivo SMS gateway supports secured server technology that is necessary for all the secure messaging services. The Plivo service providers also provide a lot of other value added services like group messaging, sharing pictures, storing videos and documents etc.The Plivo SMS services are mostly free of cost. However there are some important minutes fees which are required to be paid. However this is negligible compared to the value of the communication. The Plivo SMS gateway is really helpful for those who want to make maximum use of their cell phones as a communication device. The gateway is really easy to use. It has an user friendly interface that makes it easy for the users to download and install the software.
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