Features Of The Resalaty SMS Gateway
Resalaty SMS Gateway is a program for sending SMS to India and abroad. It allows you to send SMS from your iPhone to an iPhone registered mobile number, which can be of any country. Sending SMS through any other third party application has been considered as a “double-edged sword” affair, because you need to be very careful about the messages that you are sending, while you also have to ensure that your mobile phone remains protected from any unwanted calls. This has become a great threat especially for people using mobiles in order to stay in touch with their family and friends. Therefore, Resalaty SMS Gateway was developed to ensure that your messages do not get blocked and that they reach their intended recipients at the right time.

Basically, the application works by browsing the internet on the behalf of the user. In other words, the user does not have to enroll in any service or pay any fee for this particular facility. The free Resalaty SMS gateway enables the user to browse the internet, send SMS and check his mails all in one go. The company providing this service further ensures that all messages are properly encoded and protected from hackers, who use software to decode the message and make it look like spam.
Since there is no cost involved in sending messages through the gateway, a large number of people prefer to use it. It has become essential for companies to promote their business using effective marketing strategies like mobile text messaging, emailing and bulk posting. These messages need to reach the targeted audience at the right time and this is possible only through a text gateway. The company does not have to pay any extra money or spend a lot of resources in distributing its promotional information to the audience.Sending SMS from your iPhone to an iPhone registered mobile number is very easy and simple. This application provides a number of options including importing and exporting the messages to and from your computer, tracking the visitors to the website, monitoring the click through rate and even knowing what pages of the website have been viewed as well. Moreover, the company does not have to be dependent on other third party firms for the help in sending bulk emails.
Further, sending bulk SMS to the customers is quite convenient as the user does not have to enter into any sort of data or enter codes. The entire process is automated and the only thing required is the delivery of the message as desired and the response from the customer. To facilitate the customers, the Resalaty SMS gateway also offers a complete emailing solution. This way, you do not have to access your email client, post the message, then check whether the recipient has accepted the email.
With Resalaty, the messages are encrypted before being sent to the customers and this helps to ensure their security. Moreover, every email that is sent from your company gets saved in the secure server and this helps to track all the activities made by the company. If you are wondering about the security of the emailing feature, Resalaty SMS provides a great level of security. To enhance the security further, a password is provided to the user which allows him to make changes in the emailing settings. This way, all the emails sent from the company are protected.One of the best features of the Resalaty SMS gateway is its ability to send bulk SMS to a specific contact. Apart from the normal features, it also offers a feature called sending a message by just clicking on it. Hence, one does not have to type the number of the person he wants to send the message to but just by simply clicking on it. Moreover, this facility can be used to send messages to multiple contacts and this can be done either by scanning the name or address of the person and by using the keyboard shortcuts provided in the keyboard.
However, the greatest advantage that the Resalaty SMS gateway provides is that it can be used for sending bulk emails as well. All one has to do is set up the bulk emailing list using the tools provided in the toolbox of the application. Once this is done, all one has to do is select the recipients and start sending the messages. Apart from that, there is also a feature called send draft messages which allow the user to create a draft before actually sending it to the other party. Once the message reaches the recipient, he can verify the content of the message by reading the preview provided in the email message.
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