OneWay SMS – Simplifying Your Mobile Life
When it comes to SMS gateway technologies, there are numerous options available in the market that can help you send SMS to any contact in India and abroad. One way SMS gateway is becoming very popular in India as it helps business houses and individuals send bulk SMS to their clients in India or abroad. It allows the sending of SMS from PC to a mobile phone. It also allows sending SMS from a mobile phone to a PC by PC via a wireless connection.

OneWay SMS – Simplifying Your Mobile Life
So, what are the benefits of using a OneWaySMS Messaging gateway? The most obvious benefit is of course sending SMS from one PC to another. But this facility is not only confined to the sending of SMS only. Since OneWay SMS also allows connection between PCs and mobile phones, you can also use OneWaySMS to send email to people who are on the email subscription lists of your choice. You can easily check out all their recent messages and emails.
All you need is to register with the OneWay SMS service provider, create an email ID and a password. Then you just need to send an email message to the recipient. The recipient will receive the message as an email. He will get the message from his mail account. You can also use the email ID to send an instant message to another person.
Using OneWay SMS to send messages to another person’s email address is very easy and simple. There is no need to create or print any email address or create a new user name for yourself. Once you have registered with OneWay SMS, you just need to login to your account and send a message to the other person. Your message will appear right away in the person’s mail inbox.
One way is very similar to text messaging. Only the sender has to type a short message. It will be delivered directly to the other person’s email address. And, the recipient can view your messages at any time as and when he/she opens his/her email account. The messages will not be deleted permanently, even if they are deleted by the recipient’s system or by the computer’s registry.
The OneWay SMS gateway is simple and easy to install. It does not require you to have any special knowledge about the email server or the protocols involved in sending email. All you need is to follow the instructions included in the manual that comes along with the package. After installation, it will display a graphical user interface, which will guide you through the process of registering, creating and sending email messages. There is also a help option that will be available when you open the graphical user interface. This help option helps in learning more about the product and how to use it.
One way SMS is a short and simple way of registering your phone number so that other users can send you email messages. Once an email address is registered, other users can send you messages by inserting the phone number of the person to whom they want to send the message. In this manner, you get to save both time and money. You just need to register your phone and email address and start getting messages from your loved ones anytime.
Apart from saving your time and money, you also get to know about people who are in touch with you, who you are meant to communicate with and the kind of relationship you have. These are all possible thanks to OneWay SMS. This service has revolutionized the way people communicate. It is one of the best and most affordable options that you can go for. So, what are you waiting for?
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